Introducing our Community
Diamond A is located west of Arnold Drive on land that used to be a ranch owned by the Berrien Anderson family; its homes have been built on properties that rise up the southeastern slope of Sonoma Mountain to near the top. Diamond A is an exceptionally quiet area. Songbirds can be heard throughout the day while nighttime sounds include those made by foxes, coyotes, and several species of owl.

The Diamond A community includes multiple units of development: [1] The 5 Diamond A Ranch Estates subdivisions ("Estates"), [2] The Diamond A Ranches subdivision ("Ranches"), and [3] The Diamond A Independents. These three parts include 201, 14, and 35 properties respectively. Each of the 5 Diamond A Ranch Estates subdivisions has its own set of CC&Rs. the Diamond A Ranches has its own set of CC&Rs. A number of private agreements have been developed among several sets of the Independents.  

Community Organizations
Over the years, several organizations* have been created that enhance the cohesiveness of Diamond A. 

Diamond A Neighborhood Association (DANA)
DANA represents the Diamond A community in interactions with agencies outside of our community. DANA also performs a number of administrative activities within our community.

Architectural Review Committee (ARC)
In support of DANA's mission, the Architectural Review Committee (ARC) is charged with reviewing all building permit requests and assessing the compatibility of each request with the applicable Diamond A CC&Rs (Covenants, Conditions, & Restrictions), and Sonoma County permit requirements, including the Taylor/Sonoma/Mayacamas Mountains Development Guidelines. These County guidelines apply to all properties in Diamond A

The Diamond A Recreation Center on Spring Drive acts as the focus of social and recreational activities in our community. Despite similar acronyms and a largely overlapping membership,  DARA and DANA have distinct roles to play.

The DAMWC maintains the water supply for most of the properties in our community

The most recent organization that serves our community is the GSFSC. The development of a Community Wildfire Protection Plan in 2020 launched its formal activities

* Follow hyperlinks for more details on each of the organizations listed above.