Emergency Preparedness
The Emergency Preparedness Committee sent out a note to all Diamond A Residents following the catastrophic wildfires that devastated large areas of Sonoma County and adjacent counties in October. You may review that text here: Message from Diamond A Emergency Preparedness Committee
Dave Duncan provided the following links to relevant educational resources:
http://www.firewise.org/ "This 8-part course is at the Online courses and education tab. Then click on the Online courses link on the left side of that screen. The course, “Conducting a Community Assessment in the Wildland/Urban Interface: Building the Firewise Process” is the link in the middle of the page. It asks you to log in; not a big deal, no passwords, just name, email and zip code. I have yet to take all 8 segments, but I propose that all EP Committee members take the course. Each segment is about 20 minutes and can be completed at your leisure."
Dave Duncan provided the following links to relevant educational resources:
http://www.firewise.org/ "This 8-part course is at the Online courses and education tab. Then click on the Online courses link on the left side of that screen. The course, “Conducting a Community Assessment in the Wildland/Urban Interface: Building the Firewise Process” is the link in the middle of the page. It asks you to log in; not a big deal, no passwords, just name, email and zip code. I have yet to take all 8 segments, but I propose that all EP Committee members take the course. Each segment is about 20 minutes and can be completed at your leisure."
"These YouTube videos are very good. Will make a believer of anyone about the
need to clear leaves, pine or redwood needles, etc away from the house. Radiant
Heat Versus Embers is an eye-opener. The Ember Storm Test Highlights shows,
among other things, how embers get through vent screens and into attics and
Becoming a Firewise Community: https://youtu.be/a1sL_TgrgM
Your Home Can Survive a Wildfire: https://youtu.be/vL_syp1ZScM
Radiant Heat Versus Embers: https://youtu.be/Dq6wy_tffpg
IBHS Research Center Ember Storm Test Highlights: https://youtu.be/IvbNOPSYyss