Water Use Tips
On July 19, 2014, the Diamond A Water Company sponsored a seminar at the Rec. Clubhouse on "Water Use." The seminar focused on ways to conserve water - especially with regards to irrigation systems.

For those of you, who may have missed the seminar or would like a refresher, we include below the presentation in PDF format. Click on the link to read or download the presentation.

/home/diamondaranch/water/Drought%20101.pdf Drought 101

In April, 2023, the water company documented a process for dealing with claims of abnormal water billing due to leakage of the supply line to the property. To review, click on the link below

/home/diamondaranch/water/Postings/Lost%20Water%20Policy%202023%2004%2005.pdf Lost Water Policy 2023 04 05