Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (CCRs)
There are multiple sets of properties in the Diamond A community. The Diamond A Ranch Estates is a subdivision made up of 5 units. The Diamond A Ranches are a separate subdivision. The remaining properties in the Diamond A community are not affiliated with either the Diamond A Ranch Estates or the Diamond A Ranches and they are commonly referred to as “independents”. The Diamond A Ranch Estates subdivision units, and the Diamond A Ranches each have their own CCRs (Covenants, Conditions & Restrictions). The CCRs for the Diamond A Ranch Estates subdivision units are nearly identical. There are some similarities between the CCRs for the Diamond A Ranch Estates and for the Diamond A Ranches, but there are also significant differences. The Diamond A Independents have no CCRs. In order to map CCRs to particular properties, it is helpful to know about Parcel Maps and Unit Data.

Parcel Map and Unit Data

To know what CCRs are associated with a particular address in Diamond A, you need attributes of that address such as: Subdivision, Unit # (if applicable), Map #, and Parcel #. Below is a link to a PDF spreadsheet of these attributes - ordered by street address.

      /home/diamondaranch/Living Here/DA%20Parcel%20Map%20and%20Unit%20Data.pdf DA Parcel Map and Unit Data.pdf

On this spreadsheet, the Map # corresponds to the page number (Pg.01 – Pg.26) in the Assessor’s Map Book 064. The Parcel # corresponds to the numerals that are in the small circles (the other enumerations are often ambiguous). The matching of addresses to parcels was made using available on line resources, including the Sonoma County Assessor's office.

Please let Tom Jones (Secretary to the DANA Board of Directors) know if you detect any errors in matching parcels to addresses (email

If you want to verify the data associated with your address, two ideas come to mind:
1. In your Title Insurance documents, there should be a parcel map with your property shown. Some of your data is listed on this property map.
2. The Diamond A Parcel Maps are described in another page of this web site: 
Diamond A Parcel Maps . On this page, you will find a link to a large PDF file of parcel maps, which include the Diamond A Parcel Maps. There, you can find your lot, which lists some of the data. These Diamond A Parcel Maps are in the Assessor's Map Book 064.

CCRs for the Diamond A Ranch Estates Subdivision
The Diamond A Ranch Estates parcels are grouped into five Units, called Unit 1 through Unit 5. These Units line up with the chronological development of Diamond A Ranch Estates subdivision. As a result, each unit has its own CCRs (Covenants, Conditions & Restrictions), but they are all very similar.

 In general, the CCRs for the Diamond A Ranch Estates, govern or state:
  • Restriction that the parcels be used for single occupancy residential purposes.
  • Restrictions on the commercial use of the properties.
  • Limitations on subdividing the properties.
  • Restrictions on height of buildings and fences.
  • Regulations on size, usage and placement of buildings on the properties.
  • Prohibition of animals, other than horses and common pets like dogs, cats, and birds. The CCRs are not clear on sheep or goats.
  • Reasonable number of pets.
  • Prohibition of swine or any other objectionable animal.
  • Limits on the number of horses per acre.
  • Prohibition of commercial vehicles parked on the properties.
  • Regulations concerning sewage and drainage facilities.
  • Establishment of Review Committees (called Architectural Review Board for Unit 5), in each of the Units, to ensure that structures and fences erected are “in harmony” with existing structures in the Unit, and are in compliance with the CCRs of that Unit. These Committees and Board have been consolidated into what is now called the
    ARC (
    Architectural Review Committee).
The list above contains paraphrases of the exact language in the CCRs. When precision is necessary, one should consult the exact language of the CCRs. Links to the actual CCRs are given below. Click on the CCR of your choice, and it will download to your computer, and may open in the Acrobat Application.

/home/diamondaranch/NTK/CCR/CCR%27s%20Unit%201.pdf CCRs Unit 1.pdf 

/home/diamondaranch/NTK/CCR/CCR%27s%20Unit%202.pdf CCRs Unit 2.pdf  

/home/diamondaranch/NTK/CCR/CCR%27s%20Unit%203.pdf CCRs Unit 3.pdf   

/home/diamondaranch/Living Here/CCR%27s%20Unit%204.pdf CCRs Unit 4.pdf      

/home/diamondaranch/NTK/CCR/CCR%27s%20Unit%205.pdf CCRs Unit 5.pdf   

CCRs for the Diamond A Ranches Subdivision
The CCRs for Diamond A Ranches subdivision are quite different than those of the Diamond A Ranch Estates subdivision. For example, they have wording about assessments to maintain roads, and wording about the ability to transfer roads to government agencies. However, there are some similarities. For example, they call for the existence of an Architectural Review Committee (ARC), and have restrictions on commercial use of the properties.

The CCRs for Diamond A Ranches exist as three separate documents. The first document is the original 1978 CCRs. The other two documents are subsequent amendments implemented in 1987 and 2014 respectively. The links to these three documents are given below:

/home/diamondaranch/NTK/CCR/CCNR%201978.PDF CCNR 1978.PDF  

 /home/diamondaranch/NTK/CCR/CCNR%20Amendment%201987.PDF CCNR Amendment 1987.PDF 

/home/diamondaranch/NTK/CCR/CCNR%20Amendment%202014.PDF CCNR Amendment 2014.PDF