Car Show (2015)

Collectors’ Car Show on the Green

Shirley and Bill Angeloni did it again. On September 15, 2015 they put on a fabulous Collectors’ Car Show at the Recreation Center’s Field of Dreams. This was a major fund raising event for the Diamond A Recreation Association. It featured 68 outstanding collector cars, a silent auction, picnic lunch and live entertainment. Over 200 people attended. The net fundraising for the Recreation Association was $6761.

But let’s not forget, this function could not have happened without help.  We’d like to give a big “shout out” to all the Committee chairs and their STAFF:  Buffet Lunch – Carleen Faybusovich and Marilyn Avrit; Bar – Roger Young; Admissions – Roland Gangloff; Silent Auction – Donna and Kevin Wilson; A BIG thank you to everyone who donated items for the Silent Auction; Decorations – Marcie Waldron; Set-up and Tear-down – Wayne Schake; Advertising – Judy Scotchmoor; Reservations – Marlene Jordan.

Bill and Shirley were over-seers of the event and in charge of Entertainment, Awards, Entrant packets, inviting car enthusiasts, and car staging. It takes a “Diamond A Village” to put on such a successful event…thanks again to everyone.

Below is a Photo Gallery of the Car Show. Some of the photos are from previous shows. Click on small photo below to see blown-up version. Or, click on start slideshow.

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Car Show Entrance 

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